We endeavor to extend a warm welcome to all who come through our doors. 

Holy Trinity is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and a Reconciling in Christ Congregation.
We are located at 158 Vreeland Avenue, (the corner of Vreeland Avenue and Hillside Avenue) in Nutley, NJ. Phone: (973) 667-0256.

IN-PERSON Worship Every Sunday at 10:15 am
on Zoom & Facebook Live

If you can’t join us at 10:15 AM,
A video of THE service is available on OUR
Facebook PAGE

We will gather in person and via Zoom (video and phone conference) to worship God, to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and to be nourished by our presence in one another's lives.
Join Zoom Meeting Video Conferencing: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82552194898
Phone Call for Voice Only: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID is: 825 5219 4898

Pastor Nancy Truscott is available for all pastoral concerns. Please call 973.667.0256 OR email her at Pastor Nancy Truscott (ntruscott@comcast.net)

Please go to the “News” tab at the top of this page to find our Newsletters for up-to-date announcements and calendar information.

Let us all continue to pray with our words and with our actions for a safer and healthier world...

Gracious God, it is good for us to gather as your beloved in community. We treasure your presence with us in word and meal, song and prayer. Be with us in these days when gathering together as often as we would like is not possible. When we must be apart for reasons of safety, we trust that you surround us with your sheltering wings. Encourage us in connecting as we are able, reaching out to our neighbors in need and being persistent in prayer. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our constant companion. Amen. (prayer copyright © 2020 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)

Share the Gospel. Overcome Barriers. Connect in Christ.

Holy Trinity Church Identity Statement